Back in California

Mojave SunsetWell, HI, there! LOL Yes, you read that right; after being back on the East Coast for just three days, I began my long … really long … really REALLY long … drive to Northern California to spend time with my web partner Roger, and his family. Reading this post should make it obvious that I arrived safely, but what’s the fun of starting at the end?

I pulled out of my sister’s driveway (in Maryland) at 7:30 Thursday morning. While it was a tad longer, I chose the southern-most route, and headed west. I had to deal with a bit of steady, light rain, but it was nothing close to what other parts of the country were dealing with. Since the traffic was fairly light, the day actually went pretty well. By the time I stopped that night, I’d gone just about 900 miles, give or take. I stopped just to the west of St. Louis, MO. It wasn’t long until I was in bed, hoping for six hours and not being disappointed.

Because I was on the west side of St. Louis, I didn’t have to deal with rush hour, as most of the traffic was headed in to the city, not out. The day was bright and beautiful, with the temperature rapidly climbing into the 60s, allowing me to loose the hoodie. After another thousand miles, I got another six hours of sleep. But because I had gone to bed earlier than the night before, I also woke up earlier … at 6 am. Bummer. 🙁

Not to be discouraged, I just got myself going. After getting a half-cup of coffee into me, I started doing some calculations, and realized that the early start made it possible to get to Roger’s that night, albeit pushing 10 pm. A quick phone call assured me it would be no problem, so I got serious about making miles. The traffic was more than willing to assist, and I arrived at Roger’s just after 9:30, even with several stops at Indian trading posts.

Sunday was a day of rest, as it’s supposed to be. Monday I began to settle in, bringing in my luggage, and connecting my various technology boxes to the family’s wi-fi. For dinner, we had White Lasagna, with salad and garlic bread. What was really cool about it was that Giovanna, the oldest daughter, helped me a lot! Gio prepped the entire salad, and did a fantastic job tending the bechemel sauce, which was as smooth as I’ve ever seen. Other than explaining a few things, all I did was to prepare and mix the cheeses, then layer the lasagna. Gio did the rest! Everyone loved it, and Gio and I shared more than a few high fives.

Yesterday was filled with appointments – first for new glasses, then to visit a local chiropractor. Both issues are things I’ve wanted to deal with for a long time, and I’m really happy to be addressing both. I should have my new eyes within a week. We’ll see how long it takes to correct the spinal and muscular issues. (smile)

For the rest of this week, I’m mostly going to focus on settling into life in Cali. I’ve got laundry to do, clothing to sort, stuff to find places for so I can move in the room I’m using. I’ve also got several meetings to schedule and the like. Next week, the real work begins.

So, really, that’s about all there is to write about. But you know me; I’ll be back soon with another report. Until then,

God Bless,


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