Are we there yet?

Blues RoosterI’ll be honest: I am really getting tired of not having a place of my own. But that’s about to change. (Cue the music; release the doves!)

In six days, I will move into my new (rental) home. I’ll be living just a bit Northeast of Sacramento, state capital of California. I couldn’t be more excited about the move, as it’s the next to last step in creating my new life.The house was built in the 50s, but is still in excellent shape. It’s got four bedrooms, so I’ll have a guest bedroom, as well as an office space and a place to shoot my videos. And the kitchen! Oh, my, am I going to have fun there! Just a ridiculous amount of counter space and storage, so I’ll have plenty of room to hide my kitchen toys, and plenty of space in which to work.

Still on the To-Do List is a trip back to Maryland for my mom’s funeral. We’re still waiting for a date, but expect to hear something from Arlington National Cemetery soon. While there, I’ll take care of all the administrative details, and will pick up my belongings from storage to bring back with me. Once that trip is done, I can really settle down into my new life. I’d like to thank everyone of you that wrote, called or texted to offer sympathy and condolences. It’s never easy to lose a loved one, but hearing from so many of you reminded me just how lucky I am to have such great friends.

Once I complete that trip back home, I can focus on work. I have an album to record this year (my second), and a LOT of work to do on the web sites. I’ve been adding to my list of tasks, so at least I’ll know what I need to do when I finally have time to do it all!

Before I close, I’d like to ask each of you a favor, please. This year is all about spreading the word, and I’m hoping you’ll each help me. What I’d like to ask is that each of you post a Status Update on Facebook encouraging your friends to LIKE the Lane Baldwin fan page. That page is my main vehicle to alert folks to new content on this web site. by LIKE-ing the page, you’ll make sure you’re the first to know about anything new here. So… if you’re willing, the URL for the fan page is

And thank you SO much for your help!

OK… I’ve got a long list of things to accomplish today, so I’d best get back to it. I’ll do my best to do another blog post before I move in. I know darn well that, once I take possession of the house, I’m going to have several days of unpacking and settling in. And I really want to get back on a decent schedule of posting. So… until then, everyone enjoy the Spring! And, as always,

God Bless!


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